So me and my boyfriend have been together for nearly 2 years now, and been living together for about 9 months. We were in a long distance relationship as he lived in Germany but then he moved over to me in November. He is amazing and I love him with all my heart and I couldn't ask for better, but over the last few months there has been an issue.
In the beginning our sex life was amazing, even in the first few months where we lived together we couldn't keep our hands off eachother. But in the last 3-4 months or so it just seems to have gone downhill. He is uninterested in making love with me and barely touches me, I'm lucky if we do it once every week and a half. That may sound alright to some people but I have a high sex drive and he knows this. His sex drive was never as high as mine but it has really deflated recently. In the past I was very satisfied even though his drive was lower, it had never been an issue before. But now I'm always the one to make the first move and most of the time I get rejected, unless it's been a long time where he accepts and we do it, but I always feel that this is just forced to stop me from trying again. He hardly ever makes a move on me so I feel like I have to do it otherwise we'll never get anywhere. I have tried not trying at all to see if he would make the first move because I was sick of it always being me, but we ended up not even touching eachother for like 2 weeks and it really brought me down and made me feel horrible so I tried again. It makes me feel that he isn't interested in me anymore and doesn't want to be with me or doesn't find me attractive, even though he has said a lot that he loves me and finds me really attractive. This is partly down to my low self esteem that I feel this way but usually I'm good at ignoring it until it gets really bad then it gets worse when he makes me feel this way so I just can't help it. I feel like I'm so annoying when I try to make the first move but I know that if I don't he never will. I'm sick of being rejected by him and I just don't know what to do anymore because I love him and I want to make love to him. I want him to love me back. For me, the intimacy of sex is important in our relationship and it allows me to feel loved and attractive which helps with my self esteem, and so since we have stopped I feel worse and worse about myself. We always do it when he wants to, never when I'm in the mood. I wouldn't have to make the first move frequently if he would do it just a little bit more but he doesn't get that.
I'm not shallow and sex isn't the be all and end all of a relationship but it is important, I enjoy sex and I enjoy it with him so naturally I want it with him. I always want him but he never wants me back, at least that's how he makes me feel.
I have tried to talk to him about it a few times but every time he never seems to understand what I'm saying and makes it out that I'm trying to pressure him into doing it which is what I never wanted to do. I want him to take the initiative a bit more. He always turns it back on me to make me feel like I'm the problem and I'm the one who ends up apologising for being 'stupid'. He doesn't seem to care about me or my needs, and tbh I don't want much I would be so much happier if we did it twice a week which really isn't a lot. He tells me a lot that I always cause problems for him so when he rejects me I just say ok and leave it, I try to stay happy and not let it affect me but when you get rejected by the person who is supposed to love you every time you try and be intimate with them it's hard not to be upset. I miss our old relationship and how we used to be but I don't know how to explain that to him without him thinking I'm trying to make him something he's not and seeming pushy, I just want him to make a bit more effort with me.
He lies about masturbating and I'm not sure how often he does it, but he also watches live girls cams when he masturbates which makes me feel even worse and slightly as if I've been cheated on?? I feel that I'm not good enough or attractive enough and that's why he doesn't want to make love with me.
He is also way less affectionate with me in general. He used to compliment me and make me feel loved constantly but I don't get that feeling from him anymore. When we're together he spends most of his time on his phone and doesn't talk to me or even look at me or he is on his ps4, sometimes he can get really aggressive when he is playing and loses and in all honesty he scares me. He's never hit me but I don't like seeing that side of him because I thought he was so lovely and kind like he was before. He doesn't seem to care how I'm feeling, doesn't even ask, whenever we kiss its brief little kisses when we used to have such passion. He used to kiss me like we wouldn't see eachother for days even when we were only away from eachother for a few hours and I miss it. A lot of the time he speaks to me in a really horrible way and says nasty things, like I always cause problems for him and I make his day drag when I talk to him, when before he was so lovely and would never say a bad word against me. I don't think he realises how horrible he is sometimes and then gets even nastier when I get defensive about it and try to ask him not to say those things as they hurt me. It's like he can't bare to be with me anymore but then other times he is normal and affectionate, I just don't get it. He is the best man I've ever been with and I love him so much so it really hurts to think that our relationship may be weakening.
So can anyone give some advice on what to say to him or how to improve our sex life/ my self esteem regarding the sex and his affection? I just want him to be interested in me. I don't want much from him because I want him to be happy too, I just want him to understand that I have needs too. I want to try and explain to him without him bringing it back round on me and making me the problem and without forcing him to do something. I can take constructive criticism to help with the self esteem thing, but please any advice would be so great. Sorry that this is so long but there was lots to say.
Thanks a lot
Another thing I forgot to add is that we've recently started going to the gym, and I am trying and make myself look better for him so that he might find me more attractive so I'm trying to improve myself to make him more interested rather than to try and persuade him to want me. He always used to say he never fancied skinny girls and I am more curvy and a bit chubby, but suddenly he has changed his tune and has decided that he fancies skinny girls too. It suddenly made me lose faith that he finds me attractive because he suddenly changed his opinion like that... And I see him staring at the pretty, fit girls in the gym even when I am with him. I know that guys look at girls even in a relationship and that's natural for them, but he is obvious about it and doesn't even look in my direction which bothers me. I don't know how I can feel attractive for him and make him want me... So any advice on that??