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Thread: I've noticed my boyfriend hasn't been saying "I love you" first lately...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    I've noticed my boyfriend hasn't been saying "I love you" first lately...

    I'll start off by saying my boyfriend and I just moved in together at the beginning of the month (I'm 24, he's 26). We've had a really great relationship leading up to moving in, and it's been going pretty well since then as well, lots of work to do on the place, so it's been a bit stressful, but no fighting/arguing, we're still having a good amount of sex, we spend some time apart as well as quality time (however, that quality time has been mostly spent at home watching tv together, but still great! I did mention that we should go out on a date and actually go out soon now that it's getting nicer out and it's been a while) but overall, it's been pretty good. New, different, a little getting used to, but still good and fun.

    So, this is probably just a little menial thing (I think), but, lately, I can't help but notice that I feel like I'm always the one saying I love you first. I mean, he used to send me good morning texts telling me he loved me every morning, but since we now live together, there's really no reason for those texts, which is completely fine. However, I feel like I'm the one saying it first almost all the time now. He always says it back, and not in a way that I don't think he means it or anything, but, it's just a little thing I noticed about a week ago, and now I can't help but notice it more and now I'm getting a little anxious about it. I know love is more than words, which is why I'm saying this may just be a menial thing....so, unbiased opinions...is it? Or is it weird? And if it IS weird, how do I even approach this? I don't want to be like "why don't you say you love me first?!" and I don't want to play games or anything by like, seeing how long it takes him to say it to me if I don't say it to him...I get a little anxious sometimes, and I over-think things, so yeah, opinions?

    I love him dearly, I bare my heart on my sleeve and he's more of a man of few words and I know this, but I still want to hear that he loves me from time to time without me saying it first, you know?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I think you're going through a fairly normal relationship transition. Those sweet words really don't keep going forever. Sure, it's still lovely to hear them, but it's totally normal for the frequency to reduce. To be honest, I can't remember the last time my partner of 20+ years initated an ILY. I guess I'd initiate ILY once or twice a month. But we know without question that the love is there.

    Tell me this: do you FEEL loved?
    Never regret anything that has happened in your life. It cannot be changed, forgotten or undone. So, take it as a lesson learned and move on.

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