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Thread: really need advice on my situation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    really need advice on my situation

    me and my girlfriend of almost four years recently broke up..after one and a half years of us dating she started acting like a total bitch to me. not letting me hangout with friends and i felt trapped. so i didn't know how to bring it up to her and talk about it to fix it so i went online and found a random girl and started talking to her about my problems. after about a month of us talking i started to get feelings for her and i didn't know what to do so i broke up with my girlfriend and started going out with this other girl. after about a month i really regretted what i did and we broke up(fyi i never saw this girl, we just talked through the phone) i started talking to my ex again and i told her I'm really sorry for what i did and we started dating again. on November(2 years after i left her) she told me that she wanted to take a break because i wasn't her number one priority anymore , she was stressed from college and work and that she felt bad because she couldn't make time to see me when i really wanted to see her. i asked her how long it was going to last and she said until the quarter was over (were both in college, also the quarter was going to be over in about 6 weeks) so i agreed to it. we talked once and a while and a week later i asked her if she can come over and bring me pain killers(i just got my wisdom teeth removed) and also asked her if she can hangout for about 10mins to catch up and see how she's doing. she then told me that she couldn't because she had to do some paper work at the district and after that she had to go to practice(she's in color guard) so i was ok with it. the then came and brought me the pain killers and i asked her if she can stay for 10mins again and she told me she couldn't because she was going to hangout with a friend. she left then i texted her asking with what friend and she told me one of her guy friends..i got mad and told her off. about two hours later i regretted saying some things so i tried calling her but no answer..i texted her telling her to call me once she's free and i didn't receive a text back. i then went on Facebook and she changed her relationship status and her profile picture(her profile picture was of us) so i freaked out and i tried calling her back and everything...i didn't know what to do so i went over to her house and told her i needed to talk to her, I'm outside..so i was outside her house for like an hour waiting for her to come outside but she didn't so i just left her a voice mail saying I'm sorry for going off on you earlier today...a week later i was on break from my class and i was walking around campus and i saw her with a guy. she seemed kind of shocked when she saw me and i was shocked as well. i went up to her and just told her hi but on my way back to class i was crying because she was flirting with him...i texted her as soon as i got to class and i asked her if she was flirting with him and she said yeah...i then asked her if she liked him and she said yeah...so my heart stopped because we were just on a break but she was already flirting with someone else...we talked about it for days and i told her what does she want..me or him..she didn't answer so i told her ill leave her alone for two weeks and that she should leave alone the other guy as well and really think what she wants...i still saw her talking to the other guy but i didn't talk her her till those two weeks were over...then i texted her and asked her what does she want...she replied she wants to be with the other guy....the next morning i called her and ask her if he is really worth throwing away everything we have together..she started to cry and said he isn't worth throwing away everything we have so i asked her why is she doing it then? she said she doesn't know but its what she wants...we stopped talking and on December 23rd she texted me saying if she can see me tomorrow because she got me a christmas present. i agreed to see her so we saw each other on the 24th and we talked and she told me she still had feelings for me and that she was in denial when she said she didn't love me when i asked her a month ago...we then made out and talked the rest of the night.. on christmas day i called her and told her if she's still talking to the other guy and she said yeah..i told her that she can't be talking to both of us because she's just leading both of us...we continued talking and the next night she came over and we talked about how she can't be doing this, leading me and him and can't be talking to the both of us...then we started cuddling, kissing, undressing each other and the deed happened...the next morning i called her and told her that she has to tell the other guy everything that has happened since the christmas eve...she told him and he said he doesn't want her as a girlfriend anymore(they never went out btw) so then we agreed to fix us...i loved having her by my side again but when she wasn't around me i just remembered seeing her with that guy, the way he held her, they way they'll flirt and i would always be thinking if she's still texting him or whatever..about four days later she texted me and told me she isn't happy and that were rushing trying to fix us...i agreed with her because i honestly think we rushed things trying to fix us and i told her i didn't feel comfortable when she wasn't by my side...she told me theres just to much going though her head because of everything that has happened these past two months and also she was still trying to get over when i left her two years ago..she told me she's not going to talk to me or him and just clear her head on what she wants and i told her i was to forget what she did to me...so right now were not talking but in all honesty i love this girl to death...i did my wrong to her and she did hers but right now we have to give each other space to get our minds right

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    First tip is paragraphs are a blessing. I think some space would be good for you both. Maybe chill with yourself, go on a few dates with other women.

    No need to force anything but its good to get out a bit and see that there are lots of opportunitties for connection. You both seem a bit jealous which could be a good or bad thing. But if you give it space it will work out if its supposed to.

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