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Thread: HELP! Like guy my friend was hanging with...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    HELP! Like guy my friend was hanging with...

    I never thought I would be in this situation...but I went to a party that a new friend of mine took me to (I have been hanging out with her for a couple months)...and she likes the guy who was hosting the party.

    The thing is she is living with another guy (and her son from another guy) and has been for 5 years so she has been cheating on him. BUT she is crazy about this guy whose party we went to...although they didn't even have a real relationship, she really likes him...and they would sleep together.

    After the party, the guy started messaging me...innocently...then I started feeling something for him really strong and could tell he did too.

    Finally it was confirmed through the guy's friend...(and my friend even fooled around with the friend of the guy she was cheating with too...so cheated on her bf with both of these guys).

    I have since discovered she cheats on her bf with many guys...

    The guy I like (party host) now has since told her he doesn't want to see her / talk to her anymore because there is no point...

    She has no idea he likes me. I hung out with him a couple times and it is so magnetic...we have this chemistry that I never ever expected and he treats me so good...its amazing. (I have not slept with him)

    The problem though is that I feel this intense guilt to the point I have told this guy a few times I can't do this...although I end up talking to him again.

    He said that I shouldn't care because she has a bf and hangs out with other guys and me and him could have this amazing relationship if I let it.

    Its just making me feel so happy on one end and then absolutely sick on the other hand. Do I give up what could be for someone who will never even have a relationship with this person anyways?

    I just find myself so stuck and I can't talk to anyone about this. If she was single and dated this guy, I would never even consider it...but am I making a huge mistake letting this guy go just to try to do "the right thing"?

    Help please.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    What kind of girls are you and her anyway? cause all i see in your story is a bunch of guys
    she likes or have sex with and stuff.

    Thats nasty and i would tell her something about her slutty behavior if it was my friend and i was really different.

    And if you have to stay away from every men she do slut stuff with you will be single for life.
    Cause sounds to me like she run the whole country.
    So if you like this guy go for it. Its not your problem!

    Its her that need to have morals!

    And noting can happen. Cause if she get mad with you or break the friendship her bf will
    ask whats is going on, and he soon will find out its because she is a whore!
    So you have no worry's.

    Take your time get to know this guy. But watch out. Cause often some guys go around
    focking the whole group of friends with no serious or good intention. and girls often dont see
    this, this prefer to fight each other.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    *this prefer to fight each other. = they prefer to fight each other.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Thank you so much for your reply.......made me see things clearer. I really appreciate it

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