For me to want sex so bad? We're both 18 and we have been together nearly 3 years now. After we had been dating for about 6 months we had sex for the first time (we were both virgins prior). It wasn't do great, but it was the first time...
We went crazy after that basically whenever we saw each other we'd have sex, it was great we were closer than ever. Since then, she started feeling bad became a Christian etc so she decided no more sex, I thought this was just a phase so I didn't push it, I respected her opinion on the matter. This really put a strain on the relationship, we were fighting often (not about anything in particular, just stupid little things) and it was really getting to us, to the point we nearly called it offa few times.
It has now been about 6 months since we last had sex, and it's really starting to frustrate me.
We very rarely make out anymore either, which isn't helping the frustration for me.
I love this girl but I don't know what to do...
We have had a few conversations about it already and every time she just brushes it off and says if you just want sex then go somewhere else, I would never ever cheat on her... If I was even considering cheating I'd know I wasn't in love and I would end things.
Has anyone else had to go through something like this? And how do I deal with this by both respecting her beliefs/opinions and satisfying my own needs.