First off I'd like to say I'm new and it's great to be here! I've never asked for advice on the Internet before and I've found I've never really needed it, I've always been really good with girls. Unfortunately I'm just so frustrated at my current situation I just have too! It's so odd, I used to always be the one helping others! It's quite a long read, let me explain...
I dated a girl roughly about 6 years ago, we were both very young and it didn't work out, she stopped liking me and I could tell, so I offered to break up and she said yes. She wanted to be friends and we tried, unfortunately it didn't work out, on account of how young we were and our immaturity.
Since then we've dated other people and only briefly kept in contact over the internet and such. I met a girl and got engaged, was rushed into it before I was ready. I had been with this girl for about three years before I started to realise I still had feeling for my ex, for reasons I can't explain I always wished my fiancée was my ex, I always tried to pass the feeling off and devote myself to my current relationship. I just couldn't! Things were going bad for me and my fiancée at that current time so I decided I would secretly organise to catch up with my ex, I had decided I wasn't going to do anything, it was going to be for coffee just to see if I really did still love her. (Yes I know it was wrong)
We met up and she had put on a little bit of weight, her faced had broken out in a bit of acne and she was no way near as attractive as I remembered her, oddly enough that didn't bother me, she was still more beautiful than my fiancée, even though ever other guy in the world would say otherwise. (my fiancée had the fancy of every guy that knew her, she was that good looking) But to me my ex was the most stunning and beautiful girl I'd known, with a little weight on or not.
But the date went terrible! She was very immature, was purposely telling me as little about her life as possible, I think this was on accord she was unhappy I was still with my fiancée. I think also I felt guilty for what I did and left promising myself never to attempt to contact her again, I decided I had grown and she hadn't.
Six months later my fiancée and I broke up, a very bad break up. She left me for her best friend's boyfriend. She took all my money and spread lies about me to everyone we knew. I wasn't too upset about that, I was happy to be out of it and being single to do my own thing again! Focus on work and all that. After about a month my ex popped into my head again and I thought to myself, why don't I meet up with her? Just be friends and all that, if she's immature who cares? Not like I want to date her or anything... Totally expecting her to be even more overweight and such. Little did I know...
I got in contact with her and she seemed very keen to meet up, she checked out my new house, we watched a movie and went to the ocean, I had never had so much fun in my entire life and she was so beautiful, she lost the weight and looked better than I ever imagined. She had really grown up, we talked for hours about life and previous relationships and where we are and want to be. It was a great day. When we were watching tv on my bed I wanted to just roll over and kiss her, but being my ex I decided I was going to take it slowly and behave myself. At times I felt she was interested, she would get close to me, then other times it seemed she just wanted to be friends, I would understand it being complicated, as it was for me.
After that date she was going on a holiday with her family for her birthday, we texted a lot and she got jealous when I talked about girls from my work, we flirted a little bit and I told her I bought her a birthday present. A few days later she told me she saw something she thought was so cute and that she hoped I liked it and when she saw it she thought of me. Things via text were going great, however there was a part of me that realised she only ever responded to me when I texted her, she would never initiate a text, she did once but that was only cause I told her to let me know how it was going. Sometimes she would just stop replying till I decided to text her again a few days later, in those texts she would seem like she loved texting me, till she stopped again. And unless I replied, I wouldn't hear anything.
When she came back I decided I would try catching up with her again and see how it went. we organised to meet up next week, I was going to teach her to roller blade and I had to hold her hand cause she would fall! Sounded like things were going well. She texted me yesterday telling me that she actually got rostered on to work that day and she was really sorry. Naturally these things happen so I didn't think anything of it. I decided it was her time to ask to reschedule and that I had organised enough. I told her that's okay, no worries! =]
And that's where the story ends... No reply, no let's reschedule, nothing. I'm worried that I've made things a little too easy for her, either that or I'm reading into it too much. I don't want to keep pushing her to hang out, even though she probably wants too. I just want to see her make the first move this time, to know it's not all me. I'm just scared that if I don't, I won't hear anything...
I don't know any person in real life I can talk to about this sort of thing without having the Micky taken out of me. So I would like to thank you all for reading my very long post and would like to ask that anyone with any sort of advice or opinions, please share them! I love this girl and would be happy just being her friend if that's all I could be to spend time with her, I enjoy every second of speaking with her but don't want to fool myself into expecting something that might not be there.
I'm happy to explain more if there are any other questions. I had an idea of popping in to see her at work (she works in a shopping mall) so I could just pop in while doing a bit of shopping and make it look like I was just saying hi before leaving. Since she's always said I should say hi if I was down that way.
Okay now I'm rambling again, thanks guys!