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Thread: Stressed Times

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Stressed Times

    Hello All,

    I got some things that this bothering at the moment.

    1. I need all of the prayers I can get. My stomach has been giving me a lot of problems. Every time I get stressed I get a load of physical pain in my lower stomach. For example, since school and work is starting out in a few days, stress is kicking in (thus leading to pain). Whenever people are giving me a hard time (in a bad way, not like what friends or family do) I get to the point where I hurt.
    2. Part of being stressed out is that I never feel safe anywhere, the only safe place I know is my room at my parents house. When I am at school or at work I often feel isolated and disturbed from people breathing down my neck. I often put on a front when I am around people.
    3. Another thing that that I am single and would like to change that as long as its a right thing to do. (I would not get with just anyone just to say I am not single). There is one thing that I regret doing which is meeting this girl that I met about a year and half ago. I had really liked this girl a lot. We were friends til I expressed myself then she had nothing to so with me. Now she is dating someone now and I am not real pleased with the situation. I really wish otherwise. Now-days, on a daily basis, I do think about her. It is have even caused stress. Meanwhile, any nice girl I have even talked to does not seem interested or is going out with someone. So I have tried to keep my mid busy but it seems like I always seem to think about her. Sometimes I often fantasized about what a good life I could share my life with any of these girls.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    You have anxiety and social anxiety. You probably feel lonely because of your social anxiety. You have to realize you are powerless over others. You can't make anyone love you or even like you. There is nothing you can do, except to try to improve yourself. Girls seem to be attracted to a few guys who already have girlfriends. You are in school. It is easier to meet girls in school. You will have to go outside of your comfort zone to meet them. Don't be afraid of rejection. It will happen. Keep trying and don't get discouraged. You are young and there is plenty of time to meet the girl of your dreams. Good luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    West Michigan
    ^^ I agree.

    OP, maybe you can tell us exactly what you say to girls when you ask them out. You also have to realize that for every date you get, you will have 10 girls that say "no". That is the average in the dating world. I hope this will help you be more realistic. Be positive, hope for a date, but don't get your heart set on it.
    I have a long time interest in psychology, specializing in relationship dynamics for 30 years.
    (Please note, we give the best advice we can based on the information given in a post. For better advice, please include the age of all romantic partners.)

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