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Thread: OldEr Wolves often like youngEr rabbits?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    OldEr Wolves often like youngEr rabbits?

    I find it funny that the more older some guys get, the more they want to be with younger girls, why is that? Don't you find that Is pervert or just weird to see? I think 7 years different with my ex was the maximum I can accept and seem later on they start to try to find girls that younger than them > 9 years old. I wonder what do they hope? Rather than I think they know so much stuff and like to have rabbits who are innocent and so then those guys can bluff on them easier. They don't feel or know that they look old for the girls that people will think of them as daddy daughter, but try to do that to show that they are not old and try to keep their youth longer by cheating To themself? But they don't know ppl will call them sugar daddies.

    And who knows if those are rabbits or just pretending, so sometimes old wolves think he met rabbit but he met the same kind. .

    PS: This is about those guys seek younger girls by attention not accidently happenned.

    If you think you are offend about this, you better ignore it rather than give some spiteful and unpolite comments, thank you.
    Last edited by Cinnabella; 15-05-11 at 02:09 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Pretty simple really

    Because guys go on looks and older women don't look as good

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    But how about the fact that they don't look compatible as a couple? And people will comment about them as sugar daddies? If it's about look, he doesn't have that young look to be^ that confident, doesnt it? If you say those girls at their age don't look as good as younger, I agree, how aboit him? He^ looks similar as those older girls that he thinks Not Good as younger ones

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    1. We dont care how we look as a couple.
    2. We dont care that people make comments.
    3. We can be a fat, ugly bald and still get good looking women

    Thank God Im a Man....I would hate to be a woman. So many double standards and so much BS you have to put up with.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    OH yea hahaha, most of the cases, I wonder if those old ugly bald guys had Love or ... Whatever you can imagine. You don't care outside but Might be shame inside. Why would young girls really love old ugly bald guys. 

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    You don't care outside but Might be shame inside.
    No....Not at all

    Why would young girls really love old ugly bald guys.
    I have no idea! You guys sure are weird aren't you? Ha!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2011
    East of England
    I think "why youngEr rabbits often like OldEr Wolves" is a more interesting and intelligent question...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by surfhb View Post
    No....Not at all

    Only you know, Mate, I don't need to know .

    I have no idea! You guys sure are weird aren't you? Ha!!
    I'm laughing, none of the girls I know wouldn't
    love the guys older than us 9 years old or don't want To imagine even, what can we love? Old looking and wrinkles? , I'm definitely not into those ugly old bald, in dreams eh.

  9. #9
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    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas_V View Post
    I think "why youngEr rabbits often like OldEr Wolves" is a more interesting and intelligent question...
    Oh mate, that's the most stupid question you raised that I wouldn't make not this one. Coz one truthly fact already Been known for years . Old bald guys r dirty old men and those are gold diggers. Oh do I need to tell this .

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Imagine of kissing older guys >9 years old is Definitely not a good thing would make me want to think of even, definitely. So, older guys should wake up, eh. At least there r girls who could say truth to you.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    New Delhi, India
    The guys go for younger girls so that every time they get someone fresh to use and these stupid girls think of themselves as if they are some beauty queen. They like to hear the experiences the guys have had with their ex and the girls love to hear when the guys use any type of language for their ex. They do not have the mind to think that after sometime the same guy will be in search of a fresh girl ready to be used. These guys think of themselves that they are too smart that any girl could be carried away but you never know the girls can also play with them.

  12. #12
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    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by deepika_16 View Post
    The guys go for younger girls so that every time they get someone fresh to use and these stupid girls think of themselves as if they are some beauty queen. They like to hear the experiences the guys have had with their ex and the girls love to hear when the guys use any type of language for their ex. They do not have the mind to think that after sometime the same guy will be in search of a fresh girl ready to be used. These guys think of themselves that they are too smart that any girl could be carried away but you never know the girls can also play with them.
    Definitely! An easy example to see, sign up for a dating website, if you see the longest letter, you know it's from an older guy, least 10 years older or less a bit, he would make a really long stupid poetry or whatever that when you read, you feel like you are a princess from a fairy tale lol! Very Funny, and they are... very patient. Like if you dont reply, they will write more until u feel... Tired to see lol. Hope they meet more rabbits of -pretending wolves kinds to Play their game together.

  13. #13
    vashti's Avatar
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    This thread is full of all kinds of stupid.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    It's Not stupid, fact of life. If you feel it's stupid, don't comment on here, facts are hurt sometimes.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    I wonder why very young girls sometimes go out with much older rich men...arent' they worried that people will think of them as gold digging sluts???
    "Oh I could spend my life having this conversation. Look, please try to understand before one of us dies"

    Quote Originally Posted by Yet another guy View Post
    It's just plain simpler to view the world as black and white rather than probabilistic shades of gray.

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