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Thread: What to do on a first date?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Syracuse, NY

    What to do on a first date?

    Guess it's not really a broken heart issue, I just feel the need to post it on here as these are my stomping grounds. And with all the bleak threads, we could use something positive. Little ray of sunshine maybe?

    I've known this girl for 5 years, met her my college freshman year, liked her but we were both dating different people and didn't really hang out much in college but were always friendly and on good terms.

    Anywho this girl texts me out of the blue after I had my devestating break up in September. It kind of caught me off guard, I was kind of drunk and responded about how I used to have a crush on her and liked her right off the bat. Embaressing.

    We've been talking on and off and she's been really making an effort to talk to me. I didn't feel the want or the need to pursue her seeing as how I had and still have feelings for my ex, but I'm tired of letting opportunities pass me by. Finally today at work, I texted her and asked her if she wanted to go out and do something sometime. Lame by text but I was at work and it was an easy cop out. She was all about it and we are going to figure it out sometimes this week.

    Long story, short answer. What would be a good first date? I don't know her that well or what she likes for that matter. I'm can be nervous with girls and can be tough at times for conversation (binge drinking made college and meeting people so much easier, probably my problem). I was thinking ice skating, something I haven't done in years but wondering if that was too cheesy or romantic for a casual first date.

    Any suggestions?
    Waking up next to a beautiful girl,
    Step outside and say hello to my beautiful world.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Don`t know if this we`ll be of help but here goes....

    Let`s look at the bright side (not that there`s a bad side ;D) you already know this girl, so you have something in common to talk about , if she found you after all these years then she must have really liked you but couldn`t do anything because either she or you were in a relationship. I don`t think she just wants to be laid or something...
    As for the first date, it`s a matter of a budget , how much you want and can to afford to take her ... if you want a romantic date then restaurant would be great choice though not some kind of burger joint... if you`re still not sure about her then you should take her somewhere public and have fun, watch a good movie, go to an amusement park or ice skating like you proposed but it wouldn`t be a good idea if you suck at skating.... I wouldn`t be comfortable if my girlfriend asked me to the rink but couldn`t skate, then it would be something like showing off....
    anyway I hope I helped ;DDD try smiling because if you`re smiling it means you`re confident in yourself , women like confidence (don`t smile like a idiot... ;DD) no offence [=
    good luck on your date

  3. #3
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    Mar 2009
    I love pizza and beer for a first date. It's casual and yummy and a simple way to get conversation started. Movies are a poor first date choice I think. I don't want to meet up with someone just to sit in the dark for two hours and not interact with them.

    You can always text her and ask her what her favorite food is (hopefully it's not lobster, haha) or what kind dessert she likes. This will give you something to work with.

  4. #4
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    Movies are a poor first date choice I think. I don't want to meet up with someone just to sit in the dark for two hours and not interact with them.
    There are benefits though. If you do a movie, and then dinner, you'll have something to talk about at dinner.

  5. #5
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    True! I guess I really just prefer adventurous and interesting dates. Dinner can be great (who doesn't love food?!), but I also like to see if a guy can up the ante with some spontaneity and/or originality.

    I responded on some other post that my current boyfriend took me on a beach date to an area of San Diego I hadn't been to before. We went just before sunset so we had time to swim and body surf before huddling together in our towels to watch the sun set. (Romance!) The waves were so intense that I kept getting knocked over! (We have stupid baby waves on the East coast) It felt so good to just surrender to the water. The undercurrent was very strong that day too, so he kept very close to me the whole time, which made me feel very protected.

    I remember trying to stay awake on the ride home. I was so happy.

  6. #6
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    I'm with LB on this one, movies aren't the best for me either although I can see where Shheadz is coming from.

    Peronally, I think your ice skating idea is great. gives you a opportunity to break the touch barrier immediately and its such a laugh. You can do the whole 'goofy thing' too if u want.

    But most importantly... CONGRATS on having a really good prospect. Even if things don't end romantically, then its another friend added to the list :-)

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Syracuse, NY
    Thanks everyone. All wonderful suggestions. I don't think I even need suggestions I guess if I'm just myself. Still concerned if I'm ready for this. I know I have the capacity for a deep and meaningful relationship and that is ultimately what I truly want. I'm just still appreciating what I had before and it's tough to think of having it with somebody else. Still hitting those highs and lows, even this week (why did I just watch 500 Weeks of Summer?!). I don't want to be or put myself in a situation where she likes me more than I like her as it isn't fair.

    Or I'm thinking about it too much. Have fun one day at a time?
    Waking up next to a beautiful girl,
    Step outside and say hello to my beautiful world.

  8. #8
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    Update on it: the date went pretty well I think. Did a little ice skating, went to a pub for some nice greasy food, played some pool, chatted up a bit. We both went to the same school and had the same friends so it wasn't difficult to keep conversation up. Hit a lull every now and then but I don't think it was anything bad. She was alot more talkative and articulate than I expected, so it really surprised me.

    When we were scoping out a few pubs and deciding where to stay and eat, we actually ran into her ex boyfriend (the one she was dating when we first met) and they haven't talked in a long time (I guess he felt he couldn't talk to her now that he's engaged). So that was an interesting little twist. She also asked some questions about my ex unprovoked so that kind of caught me off guard. I think it's pretty obvious that I still care but each time we dropped the subject and the night went on like it wasn't a big deal.

    Considering I haven't had a real, sober, first date in a while, I'd say it went pretty good.
    Waking up next to a beautiful girl,
    Step outside and say hello to my beautiful world.

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