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Thread: FML or what?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    FML or what?

    Alright my high school gf and I have been together for about 5 years now, theres no1 else in my life I could picture I could be more compatible with but all the sudden it just seems like a change of fate happened.

    I live in WA and shes finishing school soon but she wants to finish in ATL and the sounds of it live there permanently. My whole family lives here in WA (alonh with hers except her sister who lives there) and my family has always came first along with her, and we're really close, but she apparently hates the weather and economy here etc. Ive thought of all the plausible solutions I can, but its always a lose=lose situation. She knows I dont want to leave where I'm at but she going to do it anyways.

    Im not going to stop her, because theres always going to be that regret because of me. Hell I know for a fact I won't leave her but considering the situation, if it is in fact permanent, I know I couldn't live my whole life in a long distant relationship. I know considering our age (22,21) that it's too young for a real commitment, but we've talked marriage, kids, went through our up n downs in a relationship and have had a strong 5 years together.

    I've never cheated, I don't drink and party hard I just am looking to live a content life without having situations where its a life changing situation, where I'd be making a decision if to leave everyone Ive grown up with and love for her just doesn't seem fair. I'm torn, I'm not trying to be selfish and force her to stay giving her an ultimatum, but in reality it may become unavoidable. I'm not willing to let her go but I'm not going to stop her from being happy so its a wtf am i supposed to do situation.

    Seems as if there's no definitive answer and never pictured Id turn to a forum for some advice/thoughts but Im keeping this to myself and a whole people for the time being before I make a mistake and do something I shouldn't.

    FML or what??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    New York
    Sometimes life throws you curveballs.

    It's not fun but you gotta learn to roll with the punches.

    This is turning out to be the most useless post ever.

    Ok, she will meet someone else or you will meet someone else. This is inevitable given that the period on this long distance relationship appears to be indefinite. Therefore, you need to close this chapter of your life and move on to bigger and better things.

    I think I just set some record for most number of cliches and metaphors used in a single post.

    Sorry, don't mean to trivialize your problems but you really should think about this logically. If there's no way that you're moving there and there's no way that she's staying here, then what's there to discuss?

    I think you can't picture yourself with anyone else because you're so in love and you also haven't met anyone else. But, surprise, we can fall in love multiple times throughout life.

    If you truly loved her, you'd let her go.

    Btw, I was in a 4 and a half year relationship with an ex from high school. Our relationship was so secure and stable we were practically married. We broke up 2nd year of college. Those long distance relationships don't work at all lol.

    Breakup wasn't fun, but I can see now that it was one of the best things that could've happened to me (meeting her is also on that list). You'll meet new girls. They'll be better in different ways than this soulmate you have right now. Trust me.
    Last edited by Sanctuary; 02-11-09 at 03:39 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    In a relationship both of you need to make sacrafices. If the girl decided... than you need to decide too what you are going to do. I know it will be hard, but you need to think through the positives and negatives and let your mind and heart corporate
    The breakup blog

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