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Thread: Says she loves me, but wants a break... What do I do?:(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Says she loves me, but wants a break... What do I do?:(

    My girlfriend of 2 and a half years. We've been doing long distance for a while now, and things werent going very well.
    I've been very supportive / understanding / caring and everything i should be as she started university. She's just been messing up ALOT lately.
    Y-day i flipped out because she disrespected me, and I told her I cant do this. She waited till i calmd down, we talked and she said we need time apart, to think of what we want in our lives, what we're looking for, etc.
    I told her I already KNOW what I want. She can take her time and figure it all out, and come back to me when she's ready.
    Haven't spoken to her all day today. What is really going on? What do i expect? I'm going insane...
    She also told me not to do anything with any other girl, and for all the other things i should just be the judge and do what i feel is right / dont do what i feel is wrong..
    Thanks in advance everybody.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Long distance is always hard. Looks like you're on the verge of break up. Just do it and try to be nice to each other instead of cheating, abusing and then break up.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    North Dakota
    Well, I'm in a very similar situation only minus ever having getting mad at her or her mad at me. She just ended it. I'm also baffled by the situation. So really i have no advice since i can't even help myself but by having a pretty good idea of what you are going through i can offer a very sincere "good luck." I hope someone can provide some very thoughtful insight or your relationship gets back on track..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    I was hoping you wouldnt say that
    We've been doing long distance for a year now already
    She only started uni 2 months back
    I'm supposed to wait till she talks, and not get into any sort of contact with her untill then?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Don't wait or anything. Just move on with your life.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    If it's a "break" and not a "break up" you need to call her or email her and set some ground rules.

    Will you talk sometimes or go full no contact?

    Will you remain completely faithful?

    When will you revist the relationship? One week one month?

    Stay as calm and polite as you can while coming to this agreement, then STICK to it.

    I really hope things work out for you.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by biger_beter View Post
    My girlfriend of 2 and a half years. We've been doing long distance for a while now, and things werent going very well.
    I've been very supportive / understanding / caring and everything i should be as she started university. She's just been messing up ALOT lately.
    Y-day i flipped out because she disrespected me, and I told her I cant do this. She waited till i calmd down, we talked and she said we need time apart, to think of what we want in our lives, what we're looking for, etc.
    I told her I already KNOW what I want. She can take her time and figure it all out, and come back to me when she's ready.
    Haven't spoken to her all day today. What is really going on? What do i expect? I'm going insane...
    She also told me not to do anything with any other girl, and for all the other things i should just be the judge and do what i feel is right / dont do what i feel is wrong..
    Thanks in advance everybody.
    About me:

    I was too Intimate with a girl over 3 years and then we got separated for various reasons. Actually she ditched me. I still love her very much.

    Now, I have 4 girl friends who claim they love me truly. But I'm cool. I said lets see. I'm not cheating any of them.


    When i was crazy about girls, I was having hard time in life. And when i stopped thinking of them, and started thinking of my life in general, I started getting proposals.

    What i suggest you is:

    1. Don't do anything. Just concentrate on what you were doing. girls usually like those who are busy in their life. You did your job its her turn now. So wait and watch, But definitely don't keep thinking of her. Many girls come by in your life as you grow older. So, Keep it cool.

    2. Don't try to impress her as it makes her believe that you are a pervert.

    3. Don't give too much importance to her than your friends. Your friends are important as they were with you from long. If you start giving importance to this girl, it will ruin your basic life.

    4.Never get too Personal. Give her some space and don't reveal too much yourself. Keep it less and let her wonder about you.

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