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Thread: SO confused :S

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    SO confused :S

    I need someone to tell me that I'm not going crazy and that I'm not just being blinded by love.

    I have known one of my best friends now for four years and for at least 3 of those years I have fallen for him. Big time. The trouble is, whilst having these feelings on and off for ages, he has never stopped flirting with me.

    When I was younger I opened up to him, telling him that I viewed him as more than a friend, hoping that he would feel the same way about me. He told me that he wasn't interested, but I acceped it and we remained very close.

    Then the flirting started again and for the next year I was totally confused. This time instead of opening up to him, I told my friends and they said they were bewildered too, not knowing how he felt as he seemed to like me, but they weren't sure.

    I constantly felt insecure, as I could not move on without it being clear to me how he felt, so I stayed in this warp hole remaining his friend but falling for him more and more. He then started to like another girl, which I only discovered at a party when he was constantly hanging out with her and not me or my friends. He didn't even tell me that he had feelings for her, when i thought we shared everything, which really hurt me.

    Even though things did not work out with this girl I decided to distance myself from him, but could not help flirting with him as he flirted with me all the time we were together - hugging me, moving close to me, always asking about me, tickling me, stroking my hair, even play fighting. (Other than this we have never made any other contact)

    And this has carried on up to today, except now I am trying to keep a clear head and not to get carried away; we now go to different schools but when we do see each other he still flirts with me, and the feelings I have been supressing are coming back. Whenever I see him my cheeks get really warm even though the rest of me is cold, my stomach tingles and my heart beats. I feel happy around him and he makes me laugh. I constantly think about him and I can't sleep.

    Does he like me and should I go ahead and tell him my true feelings?

    I need help.
    Last edited by dreamer16; 28-04-08 at 01:54 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Hard to say.

    I know you probably won't like this answer, I hate these kinds of answers too, but it would be best to ask him. You can never be sure of his feelings if you don't ask.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Ask him, but do so for the last time.

    You need to be with this guy or to get over him, so friendship is not an option.

    Have fun.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I think you're a backup plan. You'll be there to give him a boost if anyone lest him down, but he's not acting like he's really interested.

    I think you should make this decision within yourself, not put it out to him. Even if he did like you, would you be willing to accept the treatment you've been getting from him? No, you'd demand more care and respect, right?

    So tell yourself he doesn't deserve you and close that door of possibility. Pursue better options. I'm sure you have them.
    Spammer Spanker

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