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Thread: PLEASE HELP ASAP--Very worried!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    PLEASE HELP ASAP--Very worried!

    Hi all,

    Im new to this but see people regularly reply to mesages which will be great for me...

    I have met, weekend before last a new guy.. i am 26 and he is 23 and i am really really excited and totally into him. We met in a club and he lives about 2 hours away but we agreed that this would not be a problem and i hope to move over closer next year (was going to anyway for work!!)

    He came over on hs motorbike at the weekend to see me and we had a lovely dinner together sat night and really enjoyed each others company,, we came back to mine and had a bottle and a bit of wine together and couple of beers while we watched a DVD..

    We ended up you know what on saturday night, usually im a waiter but we were so in the passion moment! He went home sunday after a nice lunch together and a good chat.. last night i was out with friends and stupidly took my phone so text him at 815,820 and 830 saying what i thought of him and how wxcited i am and how much fun we'll have and wanting to take him away for a weekend somewhere.. he text back 'gods home safe, good to be home, lets take things slow, we have plenty of time to, nitex'

    I am sooooo sooo worried today that i came on a bit strong, i text today to say i couldnt agree more lets take it steady and slow we have plenty of time' now i am petrified with worry that i may have come on a bit strong, and hope he still feels for me what i do for him... i have been out of the dating game for years so all a bit new and over exciting for me... have i scared him off a little you think... or am i just being silly...

    what do i do, he is such a nice guy and says he doesnt judge anyone..which i guess may help with the sleeping together thing he did say dont be ashamed afterwards.., will probably call him tonight but like i said we got a bit tipsy sat night and ended up in bed.. but just want to know that all is ok...i am soooo worried, dont want to appear desperate or anything and hope its still all ok.. we agreed i go up to see him this weekend....any advice would be SOOOO aprreciated...thanks

    He disd say i tick all his boxes tho at one point over the weekend... i always think i like em more than they like me tho..its tough

  2. #2
    LostNotFound's Avatar
    LostNotFound Guest
    you met him 2 weeks ago and your already thinking of moving to be with him?

    and are you a girl? had to ask coz you said your a waiter. just checking.

    i think it's all a bit of a sudden but if you think its you came on to strong you could just call him and talk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Noooooo! Friends don't let friends drink and text! That was really dumb, and you may have blown it. I hope not, but I think it's possible.

    Never, never do this again. A new relationship is like dancing, and you just effectively stopped in the middle of a classic waltz, took your top off and started doing the rumpshaker move.

    Give it a week or so. Then worry. He might be just fine with it.
    Spammer Spanker

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Too much too soon, no matter HOW great you think things are going. From here on out WAIT for him to call you. Take a few steps back yourself. A guy likes some what of a challenge, remember that!
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Aussie Aussie Aussie
    Quote Originally Posted by DMM View Post
    We ended up you know what on saturday night, usually im a waiter but we were so in the passion moment!
    Sex or make out?

    It's posible that he thinks that he has you in the bag now and thus can jump into the driver's seat of where the two of you are going. I agree with the rest here, generally not a good idea to move so fast. I don't think the text played too big of a deal, but the night of passion sure could have.
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    Ask the wind for the way
    Uncertainty's gone, your path will unravel
    Accept all as it is and do not blame
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  6. #6
    Charlie Boy II's Avatar
    Charlie Boy II is offline Registered User
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    yeah the combination of you sleeping with him so soon and those creepily enthusiastic messages you sent him might prove fatal. If I were you I would stop sleeping with him for the time being. Make him court you and, obviously, refrain gushing over him or your excitement about your future together.

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