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Thread: The German Professor Sucks

  1. #1
    anachronistic's Avatar
    anachronistic Guest

    The German Professor Sucks

    and by sucks, I mean he is a really great teacher and a nice guy. He really is. Infact, we've gotten personal outside of the classroom! We have not spoken in English once. We've talked about personal interests and other casual things.

    Oh, I fell head over heals for another girl, by the way! I became friends with a girl in one of my classes, who is best friends with this girl... that is how I know her. She's probably the nicest girl I have seen on campus! She is so naturally beautiful, she is really friendly, she has her head attached to her shoulders!!!!! Not only that, but we share a lot of the same interests, she likes a lot of the same music as I, she likes art, she even speaks German! There's just one small problem... SHE'S THE GERMAN PROFESSOR'S DAUGHTER!!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    MD or PA, depending.
    And that means she's off-limits... why? I can see it being a problem if the guy hated you or something, but he obviously doesn't.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    currently Berlin
    I had a similar problem once. Only the other way around. She was a student of my father. I think she was embarrassed by that later on. One of the reasons why she dumped me, I think.

    If she is okay with the fact that you know her father then you have nothing to worry about. Why do you even worry about that? Do you think her father will hate you for getting involved with his daughter? I can´t imagine that. If he does, he´s a dick!

    Or should I say: Wenn er damit ein Problem hat, ist er ein Depp!

  4. #4
    DoesntMatter's Avatar
    DoesntMatter is offline Love Gurus
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    Tell your professor "Aus dem weg!" and go for that girl!

    If she's anything like Heidi Klum... Mmmmmmm

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