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Thread: Why does he never call even though he seems so interested??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Why does he never call even though he seems so interested??

    I've been casually dating a guy for 2 months. We just spent the whole weekend together and last night before I left I asked him if he is also sleeping with other people. He said no and told me that he wants to have dinner with me soon and wants to talk about the two of us, where we're at emotionally and what we both want from the relationship. He said he thinks it's time to talk about us because things shouldn't be undefined any longer. He also told me that he really likes me, doesn't want me to go out with someone else and that he is interested in seeing where this goes.

    But: Sometimes he doesn't call me for days and doesn't show me that he's thinking about me and cares about me in any way. He also always sets up dates spontaneously and doesn't ask me in advance. He didn't call or text me today even though we had such a great time on the weekend. He has a very demanding job and works long hours but I'm still disappointed cause sometimes I don't hear from him in days. When we're together he's different and I feel that he really likes me. I just don't know what to make of that especially now that we're going to have the talk soon. It makes me very insecure. All I want are some little signs here and then.

    What do you think? Is this bad or normal?
    Last edited by Daniela06; 18-01-06 at 02:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    In front of this screen.
    Quote Originally Posted by Daniela06
    I've been casually dating a guy for 2 months.
    I think you answered your own question.

    2 months and you are already establishing expectations from the other person in what you have defined as "casually dating". The problem isn't him - it is your own (also by your own admission) insecurities that needs work.

    Where do you think you will be in six months or a year? Just what will you be expecting then?


  3. #3
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Aren't you the same girl who saw the card in his trash can from a girl he was sleeping with while dating you?

    Unreal how that thread and that situation just seems to disappear in your eyes and you actually made this thread.

    Wow. Just wow.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Daniela06
    I've been casually dating a guy for 2 months. We just spent the whole weekend together and last night before I left I asked him if he is also sleeping with other people. He said no and told me that he wants to have dinner with me soon and wants to talk about the two of us, where we're at emotionally and what we both want from the relationship. He said he thinks it's time to talk about us because things shouldn't be undefined any longer. He also told me that he really likes me, doesn't want me to go out with someone else and that he is interested in seeing where this goes.

    But: Sometimes he doesn't call me for days and doesn't show me that he's thinking about me and cares about me in any way. He also always sets up dates spontaneously and doesn't ask me in advance. He didn't call or text me today even though we had such a great time on the weekend. He has a very demanding job and works long hours but I'm still disappointed cause sometimes I don't hear from him in days. When we're together he's different and I feel that he really likes me. I just don't know what to make of that especially now that we're going to have the talk soon. It makes me very insecure. All I want are some little signs here and then.

    What do you think? Is this bad or normal?

    This is normal, guys don't disect every little morsel and tid-bit of our lives on the level the women do.

    He likes you, or he would not have made an obvious overture for the future for you two.

    Now stop worrying, and enjoy the thrill of a new romance.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by Daniela06
    I'm still disappointed cause sometimes I don't hear from him in days.... What do you think? Is this bad or normal?

    I don't know if it is bad or normal, but after the newness wears off, you probably won't mind so much.

  6. #6
    Rosebud's Avatar
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    My take on this is he probably is just busy! You said yourself he has a hectic schedule, I wouldn't worry to much about it. It never hurts to call or text him just to say hi either.
    If you can't handle the thorns, don't crave the rose!!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rosebud
    My take on this is he probably is just busy! You said yourself he has a hectic schedule, I wouldn't worry to much about it. It never hurts to call or text him just to say hi either.
    agree to all above

  8. #8
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    Feb 2005
    If you are casually dating... he is playing you. Sorry, but at least I am not THAT gullable.

  9. #9
    vashti's Avatar
    vashti is offline Hot love muffin guru
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    Tone - I don't know how I missed your post, but is this the same girl? If so Daniela, then why are you sticking around asking for more grief? Do you enjoy being played?
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    if this is the same girl that found the card in the trash...and if this is with that same guy...then you're dumber than dirt...

    otherwise...you know...it's hard to comment. he might be too busy...he just might not be good at letting others know he thinks and cares about them when he's not around them...he might be playing you...who knows? just wait for this talk and report back in...

  11. #11
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Yes, it's the same girl.

    Quote Originally Posted by shh!
    Tone - I don't know how I missed your post, but is this the same girl? If so Daniela, then why are you sticking around asking for more grief? Do you enjoy being played?
    LoL I don't know either.. I was wondering why after I pointed that out people just kept on giving her advice on why he is ignoring her!!

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