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Thread: What is wrong?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    What is wrong?

    *met this guy on a dating site and everything was going well we had a few dates until last week when he went distant after arranging to see me on Valentine's day and cancelled due to work.

    Since then I've given him space and not pressured him as I asked what was up a day after he began acting distant and he avoided the question so I figured he might just need some space.*

    Then yesterday was the first time we had a proper conversation and he asked if I wanted to meet this week and I said yes. He asked what I would like to do and I replied but he read this message this morning and didn't reply despite being online since. So i messaged him again at the end of the day and he replied straight away only for him to read my message again the same night and not reply. He says he's been so busy with work as people are pulling sickys since the day he cancelled. He seems genuine but I don't know whether he's telling the truth and that's why he's not talking to me as much etc these past couple weeks or whether he isn't interested. The first time he read my message and didn't reply I messaged him again at the end of the following day but now he's done it again do I message him again tomorrow or leave him as I don't want to come across needy but then I don't want to seem like I'm not interested? I don't know what to do as he seems genuine and that's the only reason I'm giving him the time of day as it was all going so well until the day he cancelled and since it's gone so downhill but I don't know whether it is genuinely him being busy with work or if it's something else. I also don't know whether this communication is normal as we have only been speaking a month or whether I'm expecting too much.

    Normally I wouldn't give him the time of day but he seems genuine and has never read my message and not replied before as normally he texts me everyday. I don't know whether he's met or talking to someone else but then why would he arrange to see me on the day we normally meet otherwise?

    He's giving me mixed signals as yesterday he was being really nice and like I said he's never behaved like this before so I don't know whether it's that he's waiting for me to react or message him first especially as yesterday and the past few days he was making conversation and I was being a little short.

    Like I said normally I wouldn't entertain him but somehow he seems genuine so I'm confused. Is he testing me or is it that he's playing the field? Or is he shy or scared to reply in a weird way may be because he cancelled last week when we were supposed to meet.

    Fyi he isn't on the dating site anymore and we haven't done anything physical.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    We don’t know
    Ask him

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