Hi guys my name is Mark, and this is the first time I have posted on this forum

So I have known this girl, Kelsey, for about 8 months now. We are doing AmeriCorps in the same program, and the way our project works means we are usually at different agencies, but I started helping her out once a week at her agency. I felt we had a strong connection from the start, lots of eye contact, and we are always joking around etc. She started inviting me to different events that her agency was doing, in a kind of shy but very flirty way.

Well a little bit more time went on, and I asked her if she wanted to do something on the weekend sometime, and she immediately said that she had a boyfriend (who she mentioned only once offhand months before), but we could get together with our whole (AmeriCorps) group. Well I tried to set up a group thing but it never materialized as people were too busy, etc. I kind of put her out of my mind relationship wise, and I was talking to other girls. We still worked together great with no awkwardness whatsoever, and had a lot of fun together.

A month or so later, she told me that she had more time, and asked me if I wanted to go running (which I’m into). We start running together, and I felt more and more of an attraction to her, and I felt the same from her, flirting comments, and she would make moves to spend more time together such as asking me if I wanted to walk with her for a while after we finished running, and going for physical contact, for example going for a hug when I went to give her a high five. She never mentioned her boyfriend once during all this, despite us talking about everything else, friends, family, etc. She talked about us getting together after AmeriCorps was done.

I asked her if she wanted to check out one of the restaurant/bars in the area sometime, and she said yes, but I noticed she looked nervous. The next week I asked her if she wanted to go to a specific concert in the area, and she said yes, but she said she really did have a boyfriend, and she said to text her the details about the concert. She is truly a very nice, intelligent, worthwhile girl, so I don’t know what to do. I am guessing she was taking a break from her boyfriend and now they are back together for now, as her Facebook status just changed (from no relationship status on Facebook to ask about relationship).

However we seem to have a real connection (seriously we are non-stop laughing when we are together, and seem to be always on the same page with everything) and I want to at least stay friends with her. Should I talk to her what we have and were it is going, text her about the concert (since she did say she wanted to go), or just kind of back away and give her some space? Any help would be greatly appreciated!