I am so confused! I have been dating my boyfriend for three years now and I have a daunted thriuh a previous marriage. We have def had many ups and downs and have lived together the majority of our relationship. As of last novemeber so almost five months ago we found out I was pregnant. Through the hormones and stress that was going on in our lives I was schocked and hurt when he decided he didn't want to be togehter anymore. I moved out feeling abandoned not too mention extremly emotional bein pregnant. I did have my thoughts on wheather to continue the pregnancy. I decided havin one child already that I could not imaginE terminating the pregnancy. A week after moving out he felt upset with his actions and decided he wanted to work things out. Of course coming home would have been so easy but I do have a child to protect and didn't want to face the trouble of moving only to be put out again as I had already rented an apartment and found a job! It is so hard and I think no woman wants to be alone and pregnant but I have gained a trmendous amount of independencE and self respect for myslef. So now five months later six months pregnant and have to leave my rental beacude I have a cat and the landlords are not pleased! It puts me in a huge dilemma of going back. The biggest issue is we are haovng a girl and about two years ago my boyfriends father came over to the house against my request while my b was out of town. I specifically stated that I didn't need him staying the night just because he was working on the property he following day. He insisted so I gave him a guest room. Being a victim of rape I immediatlu was alarmed and had gut fear. Indeed his intentions of him coming over where to have sex with me. I was repulsed and thankfully he left at 2 am. My bf was torn apart and decided to not have contact with his father. Well his father was in the hospital the other week with pneumonia and it brouht the two of them back together for fear of never seeing his father again. I have always promoted the relationship but I have requested my distance. Not to mention anoher family member of his is on trial for child molestation. Enouh is enough!! So my determing factor on moving in was to communicate my worries and concerns. He listened and agreed that he understood how I fel and agreed to not have his father around me. But he did mention that when we hav our daughter he will take her to c his dad. Inside I cringed! My comment to him was I will never speak to the person who took advantage of me as a child regardless of the relationship. His response well my dad just hit on u. It's not like he raped you. That alone made me feel as if I should just remain alone. How does someone understand yet say that with justifaction. He also stated his dad was takin adderol as well. If anythig adderoll makes you more alert but who cares his dad should have never came over nor asked me to cuddle and have sex with him tellin me he'd always dreamed of a brown haired girl with highlights. I'm disgusted stil. I have noone to talk to other than family who ofcouese will say stay away. But it makes me so conused being that I'm either king back or signing a year lease elsewhwere. Any advice? I know that is a lot to swallow. Thanks in advance