Yesterday I was sitting in an office of the math building on campus, working, and the guy I like (the backrub guy) walked by the room on his way out. I guess he saw me out of the corner of his eye as he passed, and a few seconds later came back, came in, and struck up a conversation.
We talked for about 30 minutes or so, and the whole time he was being less "up-close" than usual (although granted, a lot of our one-on-one contact last semester was during our calc labs when we were already sitting right next to each other, working off one computer or one paper) - he sat in a chair across the [very small] room from me.
Anyway, I know I wasn't being terribly flirty - just trying to keep my cool and not be awkward is enough for me to concentrate on! - so I don't know if I was sending out "stay away, friends only" vibes or what...
So as usual, I'm reading way too much into this, but I'm just curious as to whether you guys think that says anything about how he feels about me.