Ok, I was wondering if you can just give me some feedback on this CRAZY (and probably comical) thing I did...
So I told you all, some months ago that I liked this girl and I got nervous around her and didn't have any courage to talk to her. Well I kept not talking to her and not talking, and my friend decided to send her an email to her saying I had a crush on her. Nothing really happened a little while until i found her profile on myspace and her screenname. It took a couple days for us to be online at the same time but I messaged her and introduced myself. We made small talk and she told me her birthday was in a week on sunday. Still not having balls, over the next week the most I could do was make small eye contact w/ her. Then my crazy brain kicked in.
I had this idea that if her birthday is coming up why not get her something. I didn't want to get her a present cause I didn't truly know her. But we shared the same lunch time, so I thought why not get her a cake and then we could talk while eating it. (oh how brilliant) I discussed this idea w/ 2 of my friends, both saying it was a good idea and a sweet thing to do. So I bought a small little chocolate cake that I thougt would suffice our hunger needs. The next day I carried the cake around in a bag, getting wierd looks as I told people a cake was in the bag. Finally lunch came, and I waited a few minutes and then went for it. I sat down across from her and her friend (who i know somewhat) and commenced my conversation.
Me: Hi
Them: (just stare)
Me: So.. I was thinking it was your birthday yesterday right?
Lizzy(girl i liked): *nods*
Me: well i was thinking, why don't we celebrate it with some cake?
I pulled out the cake and begin opening the package.
Them: *shock* hands over mouths, then laughter
I open them and pull out forks and everything, they don't really make movements toward the forks or cake. I therefore then take a bite to show its harmlessness.
Still shocked, I say it is good and offer it to them again. Her friend says no that's alright and I seeing the awkardness of the situation tell them then I'll have to split it with my friends at my table. Still laughing a little, I leave them to discuss the wierd person that just visited them. By the way me and my friends devoured the rest of the cake.
That afternoon I send her a myspace message, asking her comically why she didn't want any cake. I never recieved a response. I should have tried to slowly build the relationship by saying Hi but I just didn't have the courage (and maybe was too embarassed). I instant messaged her a couple times but the conversations were always her leaving then. I emailed her w/ no response. Blind to the reality of her no responses, i didn't realize that she probably didn't like me. Eventually around christmas I was talking to one of my friends about her. He told me then that she told him a couple of days ago that I need to leave her alone. The rejection stung like a hornet but the release from the constant worrying about talking to her was gone cause now i knew she didn't want me to. It was bitter/sweet. I had wanted to stand out to her but maybe next time I should take a more normal route? Any suggestions? oh and yes your aloud to tell me i'm psycho