Im GoiNg AbsoLutlY CrAZy!
HRM where to begin...
I dated this guy for about a year & a half. its been approximately 11 months since the breakup and till this day i have not recovered. pretty sad aye?
- well no, not exactly unless you really understand my feelings towards him and personally stepped into my shoe.
During the past 11months i have also experienced another relationship hoping to escape my feelings for the EX. But i have unfortunately failed my mission. He still runs through the back of my head every so often.
This new man was a great person, charming; but i was still so crazy over the ex. i can posibably say he was my true love.
Its hard to believe each day his not by my side anymore. It really hurts considering he tries to avoid me every now and then.
Not to mention, the ex does know i still have feelings for him.
yes, i decided to take a step closer since it had been such a long period of time. (i told him everything including the other relationship)
when i bump into him randomly, somehow i can still see the spark in his eyes.
strange but it is honestly what i feel.
I guess this situation is hard for me to deal with considering i always like things my way, im pretty stubborn at times but i've also learned to acknowledge people around me.
Dear reader, (esp. from a musculine perspective please)
do you think the long period of time apart between us can affect us if we were to be friends?
do you think he may be interested?
if you were in his shoe, knowing that i still liked you; would you make a move?
Or do you think staying with the new guy longer would change my feelings?
quite tricky aye? please help me.
love sarah-jane lotzz