1. I have my OREA Real Estate Exam coming up this Saturday, hoping to do
well and continue into the next phase in the New Year.
P.S. I'll be working on Phase 2 material after that exam is done that saturday, as it'll be less work
afterwards and I'll get a grasp with what to expect since it's twice as long with 6 units.
2. Have dance practice this Sunday with a new partner.
P.S. That would make it twice a week including Wednesday each being 2 hours.
3. Sun. Dec. 21, I'll be in Cuba until the 28th
P.S. Hitting the beach during Winter time sure is sweet !
4. New Years have planned with fellow dance mates, where latin music will be played.
P.S. Busy month for me, but it'll worth it to relax and enjoy the time with the family.
Skiing to done after coming up from Cuba the following week.