I have been with my boyfriend for a year now and things are going well, he's very affectionate and lovely to me but I am so hung up over his ex. I am afraid we started seeing eachother when he was still with his ex; although they had already planned they would not be staying together as she would be moving back to France, they were still living together. But they are definitely over now.
Anyway, so things are going well, however I cannot get over the fact there are so many photos of the two of them on facebook, on holiday or just out and about - some albums my boyfriend has put up and some photos put up by others. A couple of months of seeing eachother, we went away to Spain where I tried to take a few photos of us, but he was like "No, put the camera away" because he felt shy. Well, a few months later, I found out it was because he didn't want to upset his ex in case I put the photos up on facebook. (I understand this, but why not just tell me that at the time??)
So we went away again recently - ten days in Morocco. Well...he was very trigger happy with the camera this time. I was a melodramatic woman, stating I would take pictures but not to worry as they wouldn't go up on facebook due to last time. He told me I was being an idiot and that he would be taking loads of pictures and be putting them up.
Well he certainly took photos, but not put any up on facebook, and it's been a couple of weeks. I just feel he is SO all talk and he is very clever in making out as though he's doing something when he's not.
We did break up for two months in April, one of the reasons being I thought he wasn't over his ex...we got back together after he kept on calling me, wanting to get back together despite my attempts to cut all contact from him.
If I tagged photos of him, I don't think he would mind...there have already be two photos of myself and him tagged by someone else up there...hence the reason I'm confused.
I hate the fact that he is in regular contact with this ex and their photos are there in my face on facebook yet none of myself and him. Am I over-reacting? What should I do??? I'm at a loss and feel so upset. I know I should just get over it because he loves me, and a lot of people think facebook is silly, but how can I when he regularly goes on facebook and in these modern times when facebook is such a big thing, how can I get over it? I WANT him to out photos up of us!!