I"m in my first real realationship, so bear with me.
I"ve been seeing my bf for about three months now, and most of the times things are great.
We've seen each other every day since our first date.
Only three weeks into it he tried telling me he was falling in love with me. Which of course kinda freaked me out(I'm sooo the guy in the relationship.) And he's alway's cuddly and treats me good. Only ocassionly pays for me, but I'm poor as well so I understand that.
But, I seem to notice that he never calls me, rarely anyway. One day I was going to wait and see if he called and of course he never did, so I gave up and called around 9pm and he was like, ' Where've you been?" Well, duh, dumby, you have to call and invite me over. I think he expects me to just show up.
He's wierd for a guy, I thought they wanted sex all the time(I know I do) but like once a week seems to be enough for him, no matter how many times I hint it isn't for me. I'm home evey day alone after work for three hours, but he'd rather be with his dirtbike I think.
Is his behaviour weird or am I just Paranoid?
Like right now, he told me he was going to mow the lawn and then go to bed, so apparently I won't see him tonight. Also said he'd call me back in a few minutes and it's been two hours. I"m sure he's really doing that but I'm paranoid
I'd like to think if he just wanted some time alone he could just tell me.
I reallly care about him, and want this to work, but he just drives me nuts sometimes.
He even invited be to go up north with him and his parents. I'm sure he just dosen't realize these things bother me, and I should just tell him. Realtionships are confusing.
Am I being completely clingy?