When you fear the worst, he wont be back, he's with someone else etc...
When you fear the worst, he wont be back, he's with someone else etc...
I'm also in this situation. i just keep my trust on him. If he still love you, then he will come back 4 u. If not u better just let it go, n move on..sure there is plenty of fishes out there. u deserve the best. cheer up gurl.
Acceptance. Accept he is no longer part of your life and how he acts now is beyond your control. Wish him well (in your mind/heart) and move on with your life. Someone very wise once said that true, unconditional love is where you find out your partner has run off with your best friend and you are able to feel happy for them. Hard to understand I know but it is true. Love asks for nothing in return. He will find love again so will you. It may be with each other it may not. Whatever the case you are in this situation right now and you have a choice in how you deal with it. It is very difficult I understand. Good luck.
Some people are drains and some are radiators... Keep clear of the drains and hug the radiators!
First you need certitude. Talk to him and ask if you are over. If he still feels for you, but needs time, you could keep hoping. Otherwise it is torture. But at least then you can seek out another lover, which might extinguish your feelings for this one.
I don't want to be a hypocrite, so I have to add that I'm not following my own advice. I'm currently torturing myself...
I hear ya about the certitude, but I really dont want to rock the boat and i guess im a bit old fashioned and want the boy to come back to me. I have given of myself, played the part enough. he knows what I want...I think, its just so hard wondering if ill ever hear from him. I feel sick about it. Hope and love to all
Do you know the tale of Pandora's Box, (which wasn't a box to start with, but whatever)? The gods sent the naïve Pandora with a container for humans to find. When it was openend, all the sins therein escaped. Only hope remained inside.
This sounds like a positive story, but actually the hope is part of the curse the gods inflicted on us, because as long as there is hope, we continue to endure the suffering.
I don't wish you hope, abn25. I wish you strength.
At the root of distrust and jealousy is insecurity. If he's never given you reason to distrust him, and you continue to do so, it's going to put a major strain on your relationship. A lot of guys eventually tell themselves that if they're going to do the time, they might as well do the crime.
Does he support you emotionally.? Does he nurture and affirm you? My wife and I do this, and it makes us both trust the other more.