"On a break from a boy/girlfriend" is NEVER a good phrase to hear. Sorry, but going on "breaks" from a person is bogus. You're either still together and just working out problems, or you're in the process of breaking up.
Sounds like this chick wants you to break her fall. Not saying that she might not see interesting qualities in you, but she's in a transitional phase, and if she's leaving someone then she needs space whether she knows it or not. My advice is tell her you think she's nice and all, but she's obviously in a sensitive place where her struggling relationship is concerned, and even though you can be a friend to her, that's really all it should be until her issues are completely resolved. Trust me, you don't want a rebound fling if you really like this girl.
Last edited by Glyph; 28-04-07 at 11:18 PM.