doesn't talk a whole lot or have great social skills in general?
I think that may be how I appear to other people. I rarely know what to say when I'm in a group unless it's a group of ppl I know pretty well/am comfortable with already. I think others may view me as being bored/withdrawn and that discourages them from getting to know me better, and vice versa.
What would guys think? I think most of you have read about about my problems, and I'm still trying to figure out what's wrong. I get these paranoia attacks sometimes that no-one wants to know me or want me around (especially say, if I find out that if a friend or two of mine went somewhere with a group of ppl I know as well but they didn't invite me- is that even normal? I know that everyone should have space to go out with other people but it'd be nice to know that somebody had thought of inviting me too- does anyone else feel this way? Even one of the other girls in the group asked me why I didn't come). I'm in one of those moods now I don't really know how to let it out besides posting it somewhere, and hoping to hear some reassurance or advice, cos I'm at my wit's end on what I should change or just to stop feeling this way. I think I have some traits of an avoidant personality as well.
Somtimes I really hate myself, I start to think what if I wasn't this way, what would life be like. I know the answer would be to become more outgoing, but I think this has to be either natural, or ppl will see that its not your real personality and that'll backfire. On the surface, I seem to have everything, but I feel so empty inside, like my life has no meaning. Everyone speaks of how they want to live their life, everyone seems to have something they look forward to. Like before holidays, I get sick of hearing people say oh they gonna do this, oh they're gonna do that. But I can never bring myself to get excited because I know it'll just be another period of loneliness where I know everyone else is out having fun and I'm just wondering what they're doing at home for most of the time. Seriously, I don't think I'll be missing much if I just dropped dead right now. It's not that I don't have any friends, but all my "friends" also have friends of their own, and I just seem to be the person ppl go to when their own friends are busy and they need somebody to do something with. Like a second fiddle, yeah that's it. I want to feel part of a real group, and not just some soccer ball that ppl just kick to somebody else when they don't need it. Just need to rant, and if anybody has any comments or want to put in their 2 cents, it is much, much appreciated
Thnx for reading~