People may think this is stupid, but...
I've met this girl online and got pretty much a crush on her seems I can't really keep my mind off her. We are both have the same age 21 years old I've known her about over a year but only recent two months I've started to feel this way. I've met her on an online game MMORPG. I talk to her ALOT on MSN only problem is I live in Luxembourg Europe and she lives in US. We exchanged pictures and talked on the webcam, but idk what I'm suppose to do or how to really feel right now. She probably knows I like her, but I've never actually really told her directly although we talk alot and probably knows I like her. It's nice how much we have in common never had so much in common with other girls. She likes to play games/anime/j-pop so do I. I don't know what I should tell her she might think it's stupid if I told her that I love her since we are both so far away. We've talked about every subject, but ya I don't really know what I'm suppose to do & how I'm suppose to feel. And how she exactly feels. Wish I lived in US, but sadly I don't Also the fact I'm not able to see her IRL makes me depressed
I only tried talking about it to one online friend I've know for a few years. I don't want to talk about it to people I know IRL, because I would be emberassed.
I think I feel abit better posting this. Thanks for any replies and feedback.