I love my guy and we have been together for three years, and we met by an online and are in the relationship since then and we do meet every while bbt not so much, we plan to get married as soon as we get our jobs, we both are adults and want to get intimate and I dont have a problem in that I am a virgin but still I want to be with him , we have been talking about sex a lot and then decided that I am clear in my mind.
NOw the thing is that he was involved in his sex with his ex gf in past that left him heart broken and he was in ruins lately so he always focused on that sumthing isnt repeated and therefore cant make his mind that he wants to be with me or not before marriage as he never wants to hurt me , but I knw he is desperate to have it but resists it and I dont want him to get invovled with other girls just for having sex as I want him to be with me.
I have tried to tel him it will ok and nothing will go wrong but thinks it can ruin our relationship and I care a lot for him as he is very sensitive so I cant tell wat to do now.
so if we meet this time what do you ppl suggest should I try to avoid such situation or should let it be.