i have this BF( i love him but-- read below) we have been going out for a year already but i just can't help noticing changes in me in the recent months.
I am not normally a scatterbrained.. was even a valedictorian once and a consistent dean's lister in college but i now feel as if i am the most scatterbrained and disorganized person in the whole world. i feel that because everytime i have something to do or does something, my BF would constantly put in his advice even if it is unsolicited and he wants me to do exactly as he wishes and and if i will not do his biddings, he would chastise me for not following instructions from and for not trusting his judgment.
I really don't know if i should still continue to be with him or to dump him entirely and seize my own happiness?
I know i love him but should i also love myself more?
Please advise