This kind of thing sounds completely normal. Marriage goes through stages. Getting through this one means developing a thick skin and a sense of perspective. Your husband sounds like he has some deep insecurities he's trying to deal with. Hard as it is, don't take his insults to heart, rather view them as a symptom of a problem he is having. That's not to say you should let him insult you, but instead of getting your own back up just tell him calmly his insult has hurt your feelings and you don't appreciate him taking his problems out on you. Then ask what is really bothering him and how you can help. Counselling is another option as suggested. Conquer them with love. That's what the marriage vow you signed up for means, afterall. Good luck.
Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
--Cyteen by C.J.Cherryh