My b/f and I have been dating for four years and moved in together early this year.
I got into an argument with him about 6 weeks ago and therefore is living with his best friend. We talked 2 days after the argument but did decide what we were going to do, only that he was scared to live with me emotionally b/c of the things I would say.
I started therapy the week of the argument b/c I wanted to find better ways to deal with stress. It was only recently that I started getting upset over little things and I felt that therapy would really help with that.
I called him for the holiday and left a voicemail but he did not call back. I have been staying with my grandma cause I could not take being at our place. He hasnt come back for not one thing so it became difficult to be there and try and deal with all of this.
I am looking for a temporary job while I am here b/c I was terminated from my job back home due to issues I was having with ethical things going on and I just did not feel that my job was a good fit for me.
I am weary about going back home b/c I do not feel ready. It has really bothered me that he hasnt talked to me. I wish I had gotten help sooner and maybe this wouldnt have happened but it has and I am really upset about it b/c now the person I was planning to spend the rest of my life with doesnt even want to talk to me.who wanted to spend their life with me, isnt talking to me.