Originally Posted by
... maybe I'm just holding on the last straw and being hopeful...
Yes, you are doing exactly this^.
Really, its natural you don't want to 'hear' the other posters answers. Tho, I do think you *believe* them in your gut. Here's another way to think of this: this gal can't (or won't) actually come clean with what she does/doesn't want. This may be b/c she want you back and can't say so (unlikely) or she just isn't into anymore and wants to be 'friends' a la Ladder Theory.
Are either of these things a good thing about her? I mean, really, what guy wants to be with a woman who can't actually ask for what she wants (or not). This is exactly the kind of thing married guys end up going to bars for a decade into the relationship...
Move on. You sound like a decent guy. Find a girl who is into you as much as you deserve. Every second you waste thinking about this one is time you could have spent w/a new girl.
Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
--Cyteen by C.J.Cherryh