I was in a relationship with a woman (both 32 y.o.a.) that ended badly. Maybe most do. Anyhow, here's my concern.
For several months (maybe 5) things were basically ok. Lots in common, lots of passion, good sex, spiritual connection, intellectually compatible. However, it began seeming as though she was often hiding things. She was reluctant to communicate. She seemd to think I was jealous. She would often say she was going out with a friend even if I knew the guy's name. She could also be incosiderate in other ways. If I'd do something for her like get her a ticket for a trip together, she would say that I had not considered her priorities in terms of when we'd leave and get back, even though I had specifically asked her what worked for her and done what she said (her boss and her didn;t get along so well, and she seemed to be afraid that her boss would not like how much time we were taking off), for example. She became very defensive when I asked her why she was doing that (the ticket thing, for example) and there was no getting her to see that she was being unfair. She was also often accusatory of ME doing things that SHE was doing (being late many times, not considering me in decisions or how things sounded like when she always said she was seeing a "friend", usually without inviting me along to meet the friend, for example). It felt abusive from her end. However, the arguements became so defensive that they felt lke a war of words (she often reinterpretted things I'd say were bothering or affecting me such that they could be construed as insignificant things that bothered me), and I became very angry with this after a while. I began shouting (I had tried speaking softly - defensiveness, I tried asking "what if I had done this to YOU? how would YOU feel?" - defensiveness) sometimes. She still didn't understand (and in retrospect, I know shouting di not help). I even got right in her face when she became especially belligerent. I regret to say that once, I even slapped her. I did not intend to - it was dark, and I became frustrated and swung my hand mocking frustration, but by fingers hit her chin. This was many many months into the relationship when it felt all avenues were exhausted (though I certainly never intended an avenue involved striking or physical fright).
Would you consider her abusive? Would you consider me abusive? Is there any hope? I've offered to pay for counseling for us - she was agreeable, but made no effort to help me seek it or arrange for a time to go. What else could have been done?
Thank you.