I want to plead a case for RSK's ban to be lifted now, rather than in 3 more days, perhaps with an apology from those who wronged him.
It's already an insult that he has been banned in the first place. Can't you try to correct the obvious error?
I think it's pretty clear to everyone that he was unnecessarily provoked by Kiechi. If you honestly believe RK deserved this ban, then perhaps you haven't taken a time to read the following threads. Go back and read these and tell me how he deserved a ban:
Because he called Kiechi an ass??? HE IS AN ASS - and he was being a HUGE ass - just READ those threads. He was doing everything he could to get under RK's skin and provoke him into doing something where he could push around his position of power... deleting RK's posts, repeatedly, making comments.. if he was truly just "doing his job" as a mod he would have just locked the thread and be done with it, wouldn't he? Instead he choose to keep pushing RK... RK even said "JUST LET IT GO.. I said I'd be done with it but you can't let it go" But no, Kiechi wouldn't let it go. Cybog had to come in and do his job for him and locked the thread saying if things escalated more he didn't want anyone to get banned.. but that's just the thing.. things did NOT escalate more and he was just banned right then and there... for calling a mod an ass who was CLEARLY way out of line... ridiculous!!
RSK is one of the most liked regulars on this forum. He is one of the most genuine person I've ever met. He loves to make people smile, he loves to make people happy. I truly think some of the "mods" or people who don't like him are jealous of his charasmatic personality. Losing RSK would truly hurt LF more than keeping him around.
So please, loveadmin, Cybog & co. - just take the time to consider the situation. You feel he was out of line, that's obvious, he's been banned for a couple days, can't we just stop it at that? If not I'd like you to quote to me where RSK was out of line and what exactly he said that warranted a week-long ban from the site. I'd also like to hear you say you condone the manner in which Kiechi handled this situation, and tell me with a straight face that RSK's ban was not induced by his actions.