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Thread: Likes me or not ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Likes me or not ?

    Please guys i need your help, cause i like him a lot !!
    So here's my story. I met a guy he's from america but he's in Greece now for vacations (im greek). I liked him from the first moment i saw him. I got to know him, go out with him and his friends all together. At first i was not sure that he likes me cause he didnt show much things, BUT i could see that there was something going on between us. I was just praying for something to happen! So, one night, he was kinda drunk, he saw me greets me and stuff and right after 5 secs he kisses me on my lips !!! i was like WTF i couldnt believe it! Thats because he seems kinda a shy boy. Anyhow, that night was AMAZING, we made out, but he was so sweet with me, and i could see on his face and in his eyes that he likes me.... i was 10000000% that night that he likes me, i was so HAPPY i couldnt believe i was so lucky... Anyhow, the same night he asked me if i wanted to go somewhere else , i said yea, so we went somewhere alone... And then happened the weird thing... we were about to do it that the problem was that... it would be my first time, so i told him because i thought it was the right thing to do and i wanted him to know it... so we didnt do it, besides he didnt have condoms so he said we wouldnt do it... But i was feeling weird right after that, like i didnt please him ? something like that... and that he lost his interest in me? idk how to describe it. Anyway... after that he became distant BUT i could still see that he showed interest in someway, like he would look at me and stuff like that u know... Also the day before i leave for the easter holidays he suggested me to go out with him and his friends because mine had already left. During the Easter we didnt talk, only when i texted him at some point but nothing more. After the Easter i met him when we went out, lol, he was drunk again ofc, not like being crazy, but he was. He greeted me and stuff, he said he was glad to see me again and he would also look at me during the night... Then, we were at this club, it was too crowded and at some point he turns back to me, he approached me cause it was so noisy and he asked me " where is everybody else?" i said "they are at shots" he said "where??" i said it again, and he said "ohh" i said "yeah.." and right after that he was just looking at me with this AHHHHHH cute face (oh while we were having this little conv he had his hand on my cheek) and then he gave me a kiss on my lips... again !!! So random !!!! Then i smiled at him, he also did, that moment was like from a movie.... Then i said to myself, "okay he likes me.... he freaking likes me!!" i was so happy cause i thought he didnt likes me after that i told him.... But after that night i havent met him anywhere cause he lives a bit more far from what he used to live before, so i dont see him often. Soon thought, he will leave from here and will be back in the states so.... i wanna see him and maybe confess in him that i like him and stuff... but i idont know, im not sure...what do you guys think about this whole situation ?? Do you think he feels something about me or just wanna have fun ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Sorry to burst your balloon, but you are too inexperienced so I'm going to give you some harsh motherly advice. All that stuff you see in movies is crap, pooh, one big stinking pile of bull shit. None of it is real life. Here is a tip. Young guys like him just want sex. He doesn't feel what you are feeling. His penis wants you badly not him. He was ready to take it (sex), but as soon as you told him you were a virgin, he knew it would end badly when he was done with you. He pushed himself away, because he was respectful of you which is rare. I must warn you, he knows he is leaving and he might consider doing it because he will be on a plane away from you, free as a bird that got his rocks off. So get your head out of fairyland, the reality is, he likes you but not emotionally.....he would have sex with you and that's about it.

    Save yourself for a local boy that will date you for sometime before he takes your virginity. So keep those legs closed until then.

    To answer your question: He just wants to have fun....he is on vacation, why would he want to get all mushy over a girl he will probably never see again.

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