Well, I have been dating this girl for a year and a half and have told her i love her roughly a month ago, and I meant it, depsite people telling me its puppy love.....well I am have no cainine chaterstics.
But anyways, when the moment feels right for me, I cant bring myself to do it. I always think "What if she doesnt want to"(which I know she does) and "What if I lose her over this....I would kill myself"
I know she would do it, but I am scared she has dumped 2 guys for trying to do it, one of which is a dirt bag, but the other was a decent guy....But she didint love them....dammit this is driving me too the borders of my prefered level of sanity....Its not often I dont see a resolution to a problem and I feel the upmost awkardness in asking a question in a matter so trivial to me....
And the other thing is a friend put the fear of god into me by telling me that maybe she'll dump me for being to slow....Even though she wont, theese worries are persisting despite my trying to clear my head reptively...So I lmight lose either way, and I do not like losing at all...Help me, I need it badly, I honestly dont care about ksising her....but when I am near her....everything about me feels different.....
Sorry to burden you with my problems....thanks