Alright, so here is the deal. I have known this girl for about two months (she was actually the one who introduced herself to me). Since then we became at least a very good friends, we spend lot of time together, we chat all the time on ICQ, we went to see a movie together (she chose me over her boyfriend!), we have these sms conversations, we even kiss every time we greet or say goodbye to each other (on lips, not cheeks)... She touches me and stuff... Yesterday while at pub with friends, she told me that the bartender looks good and I told her (out of fun) that she makes me jealous, on which she answered that she'll whisper something to me and she started licking and kissing my ear She was sober.
Now normally I would have gone for it already, but she has a boyfriend. Last week there was some crisis and she almost broke up with him, but she said that in the end she couldn't do it. They settled down. But since then things started to be more interesting between us.
So anyway, yesterday when I walked her home from the pub, I brought the theme of her boyfriend up, asking how things are, and she said neutral. Now I know that doesn't sound bad at all, but it's not a flawless victory as well. Then we were talking about lots of things and I wanted to say to her that I like her, but I didn't, for it seemed inappropriate after what we talked about.
I'd like to know what you guys think. Do you think I should go for it, or wait, or what? I mean, I am pretty sure she knows I like her (I never really hid it) and I do not think she considers me just a mere friend (but with girls, one can never be sure). I know I have to tell her. I just don't know wheter I should tell her rather sooner or wait for a convenient moment to strike... And yes, I know that it is unfair to her boyfriend and no, I wouldn't wanna be in his place, but I really do like this girl. Thanks.