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some of the comments people post and some of the videos people post are just ridiculous. it makes me feel like we live in a world full of haters and animals.
for an example, search for the video 'gullible is not in the dictionary'
what do you guys think?
It gives a skewed representation of the world... bias towards morons and people who make videos of things just for the sake of shock value.
The other things that really annoys me about YouTube is that most posts are either barely readable or reflect such ignorance in the author that it really makes you wonder at the sheer stupidity of what often seems like the vast majority….
It really brings a tear to your eye…
But YouTube can be used for good as well as stupidity and evil. It can facilitate the spread of knowledge and wisdom, as well as exchange of witty comments and satirical views of our crazy bureaucratic world and the ignorant hate filled people who live within it.
"Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies."
-Rule of Acquisition 76.