If someone posts a picture of a hot girl on facebook for example, he'll comment something like : She prolly got stank doo doo. He's a photographer, and one night he asked me if it was okay with me if a girl he knew came over and have him shoot semi-nude photos of her. I was fine with it and even had fun getting involved in the shoot(not me in it but just helping set it up and pose her and stuff)....actually...he kinda had a nervous break down or something and then puked (three partly finished beers) ...the next day and here and there for the next few weeks...and even once or twice since then months later...he likes to brag that he took pictures of a naked girl and all it did was make him puke...
I find this very hurtful...I almost fight back tears sometimes when he says things like this or makes certain related comments on facebook.
Ive tried to tell him nicely that it hurts but I have trouble explaining to him why it hurts because I can;t even think of a way to put it in words myself.