The woes of internet dating have left me bruised and scolded.
The recipient of my "i would like to get to know you" request just after Xmas, replies immediately and says me too. Hence follows an exchange of emails via the website, then he gives me his personal email addy, we exchange emails again, then he gives me his phone number because, he says, he may not have access to the net at the mine site his is working out, and that i should send him a text to say that I have a smile on my dial. He then deactivates his profile so I can view his piccy. I tell him this and he says, sorry he thought I still could and that he will get on line if poss the same day to fix. That night he did and txt me to tell me so and to suggest I cut, paste and copy our details from the website then he is going to deactive again cos he doesn't want anymore kisses, that he wants a real one. I then call him. I say he could have a real kiss if he was here but he's not. We chat easily for 20 mins. I end the call saying I can't txt tomorrow busy day. Next day, Thurs, I get a txt in the eve from him, calling me sweetcheeks (has also called me sugarlips) and saying that it was really hard not to bug me with texts today. I replied much later, saying ok tomorrow to call or txt and have heard nothing. Friday night I txt saying "no bugging today, hope u r ok. Still nothing.
So from making me smile and giggle like a lovestruck teenageer (I am 40) multiple times a day for almost a week and calling me affectionate names, and telling me that when we meet his going to make me laugh and smile like I never thought I would and that lovers come together on bad days to make those days better.. all sorts of smoozie stuff I have fallen for hook link and sinker, to nothing.
I guess I'll never know why the change of heart, I am smart enough to work out that he is just not that into me and will not contact again. I am pissed off though. Send a girl on an emotional high for a week and then drop her without a word. It sucks.