So i have met a guy. He is someone i do not usually go for, not in my group of friends and is just a nice guy. Fun, but really nice. (I usually go after the hard to get guys/bad guys) After my last breakup and heartbreak i am never going for my 'usual' type again. Im 20 and hes 23.
So we are hitting it off really well. He is genuinely nice and caring and makes it clear he likes me. This is so refreshing compared to the usual games i have played in the past.
Well, last night we were just hanging out in bed. We have just been talking for hours on end lately and he hasnt tried to sleep with me yet.. But last night we started making out, just hugging and kissing.. We got talking about sex and i said i wanted to wait which he was fine with. But then he said something that kind of caught me off guard.
He said he was bad in bed and didnt last very long.. He is a funny joker kind of guy.. So i laughed and asked him if he was joking and he said he was not. I thought he might come out and say he was just joking around but he didnt.. lol
I am crazy about sex and it is really important to me that i have great sex in a relationship so this was a bit of turn off. What do i do now? I like this guy and he is a really good guy, i dont want to wait a long time for sex, finally have sex with him and then be completely put off. I wouldnt even want to do that to him and be a complete b*tch about it. But i would love to see where this went with us.. I have a good feeling about it.
Do i just wait and see? I wish he hadnt of said this to me.. And im not sure why he would?
I feel shallow for even viewing this as a problem.. But im not going to lie it did just rock my views a tiny bit.. lol