i have a 15 year old girlfriend of 6 months now and i love her to death. we are extremely open with each other and dont hold back anything. its been kind of upsetting to find that anytime i try to do anything intimate with her, such as put her hand in my pants or mine in hers, she instantly stops me and gets upset. she fears that by either of us touching the other below the waist she will get labeled as a whore. she also claims that she doesn't like it because she is not that type of girl. don't girls have any kind of sex drive? i find it hard to believe that she doesn't enjoy it because on occasion, she wears sweat pants and lets me rub her on the outside and i watch her squirm and hold back moans.
how can i assure her its ok? i find her reasoning to be pathetic. and naturally, as a guy, i am bored of not doing anything.
please help.