hi guys i need your help with a samll relationship problem
well i use to be friends with this girl like 4 years back but due to some misunderstanding we stopped speaking, well when we use to speak i had told her that i liked her but she was like we can be friends for now, i said ok no problem, but it was after a year or so we stopped talking.
well tonite i was at a place shopping so i saw her and she too noticed me, but neither i nor she spoke out, but i had a felling she wanted to really bump into me and start a conversation but i was kinda pushing her away, i still have feelings for her so anywaz. heres the main part after i left the shopping mall around an hour later i get her sms saying "hey it was great to see you, sorry coudntl speak but hope you are doing well. tc"
so i still havent replied her what should i do repaly her back now or wait till tommorw morningand what shoudl i reply . and sorry for my bad english. thankyou for reading.