I've been depressed for 7 months and it has made me feel empty and sad. This is my first time being depressed and for the passed few days I've been just completely empty like I haven't felt sad either. Its almost like an im-not-phased-by-anything attitude. Anyway, before I got depressed I was in love and now that I am depressed, I would get urges of love for my girlfriend (if that makes sense) but these passed for day's just emptiness and distance. I'm not sure if this is just part of the depression or what. I know I want to be with my girlfriend, I just can't feel anything right now. And its starting to scare us both. Has anyone else ever gone through this? I could really use some advice.. and incase you're wondering we've been together 8 months almost 9, but have been talking almost a year. Idk it kinda feels like I can't love. I'm not sure though.
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Can I get some answers???