my gf & I have been going out for 1.8 years and are in a pretty good relation. However there have been a few things that over time have started to bother me about her or what she does.
I myself am pretty active person and do workout, play sport constantly/a few times a week. She on the other hand is a home person. She likes to stay in and watch TV/movies usually. I'm 5'10 & 160lbs. She is 5'6 & 185lbs.
She has moved to this country (canada) about 3 years ago & since then has gained 45lbs. Now she's not happy about this fact and always wants to get thinner. But the problem is she's not putting any effert into losing those weights.
I always try to encourage her to become active, eat healtheir and join a gym or so; but she never seems to become motivated. She seems to always come up with a excuse to avoid physical activity. I don't know what else to do. :sad: We've talked about it many times and everytime I say something she says "why are you pushing me?".
It has come to a point that I'm not physically attracted to her anymore. And our sex life has become minimum (despite all her efferts). She know how much I'm worried about her health (since most of her family are large) & it bothers me that she's like that. but she's too lazy & doesn't want to change.
Can someone help me here...am I asking for too much?