As you guys know your username says what kinda person you are and I can tell you I really have no game.For this reason I am asking for some help from you.I hope that you guys have the patience to read long posts because this one is long since I don't wanna leave any details out if you're gonna help me .
The thing is I met this girl in school and I feel that she likes me but I think that I may be coming on too strong with her and I would like some answers on helping to slow things down.I am what would be considered an average joe I am 6 3 300lbs and average looking and this girl is like 5 3 100 lbs and gorgeous talk about opposites .Anyway I have spoken to her 3 times and there are 3 incidents that occurred where I think that I came onto her too strong all of which occurred the 2nd and 3rd time I spoke to her which were:
1&2. She came up to me with one of her girlfriends and told me that she was a part of a club in school and why I didn't join the club and so on and so on then I said I wasn't a part of the club and I didn't wanna join and so on and so on.Then she went for lunch in the school cafeteria and came back outside alone.I was just standing alone when she was going on the elevator and pretended at the moment she was passing me that I was walking in her direction to go somewhere else and then stopped and talked to her but, after I finished talking to her I made the mistake of going back to standing where I was which I think mighta creeped her out or even if it didn't she knew that I wasn't going somewhere else but I just wanted to talk to her.When we talked at the elevator I blurted out to her that I had joined the club but, minutes before when she first spoke to me I told her I didn't want to and in addition to that I didn't give her a good reason why I joined the club and she didn't ask me either.I am feeling now that I shoulda really come up with an excuse about why I joined the club because now she probably thinks I joined the club just because she joined it which is mainly true but, I didn't wanna let her know that.
3. I also mighta given away my hand when I saw her with a male friend and her girlfriend from the time before sitting at a table in the school cafeteria while I was with my friends at another table.I didn't know when to go talk to her and myself and my friends were debating when I should do it.So just when she got up to leave my friend went to talk to her and I think he said that I was interested to her and then I got up and talked to her a little and asked her for her number in relation to some dance steps that she wanted to be taught.She gave me the lie that it was her mother's phone she was using and she worked all the time.The thing is I didn't wanna use the I was interested in her apporach but I wanted to use the I wanna be your friend first approach but my friend has made me probably have to change my game plan.
What I wanna know is since I'm gonna see her in school today should I tell her a good lie in response to my friend's statement and if so what lie should I tell her to not make her think of me as a stalker or should I just leave things how they are and talk about other things.