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I was always being the best boyfriend to her, if she'd get annoyed and started bitching at me and come back later I would always stay sweet and take care of her instead. If she said mean things she might not have meant, I wouldn't complain and just gently tell her to think twice before saying silly stuff. If she was in the mood for cuddles and whatnot, I'd just go along even if I wasn't in the mood. She did none of those things for me though. I truly loved her and would do anything for her.
Honestly, it sounds like you were too "nice", meaning you don't sound like you have any backbone at all. If that is the case, she probably lost respect for you, and it is difficult to maintain loving thoughts about someone you can't respect.
I'm sorry about your loss, but you might want to look at it as a learning opportunity. Your alopecia won't be a deal-breaker for most people, bald men are sexy. You just need to work on having better boundaries.
Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?