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Thread: I'm all choked up and he's okay

  1. #1
    Samanthawatson's Avatar
    Samanthawatson Guest

    I'm all choked up and he's okay

    Hi there, I need something from a guy's own point of view. Playboy's views are much more appreciated. I have only had one bf since birth and after 7 years, we had to go LDR because of his overseas job. I was bound to fly somewhere separate myself and during that time I decided to do wild crazy things before finally getting serious about everything - love and career. Then I met someone here back home. A colleague who flirted a lot. I became adventurous myself and rode along with his antics until I finally developed feelings for him. He told me the feeling was mutual and we sort of started dating and exchanged sweet text messages despite knowing that we both had relationships. He was also on LDR.

    I was contented being that way. Just plain flirting until he kissed me despite my protests. Then the intimacy deepened into heavier make out sessions.

    My overseas job had problems and so my trip was postponed. When I told him that, he suddenly turned cold on me and he stopped being sweet. But on random occasions he sneaks up and makes out with me again. I can't help but think that he is plainly operating on lust and I hated that. We are really good friends when we are not intimate. I don't know what he feels for me. He gets jealous when someone else is near me, or when my bf calls me.

    I don't think I'm up for Friends with benefits thing. I want out but I don't want to ruin a good friendship. I also still wanna make sense out of what is between us. I never asked because he would tease me about it.

    I need to at least understand first before I finally move on with my life. I need help on falling out of love from him.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    I'm assuming you don't really care about your bf anymore and are going to dump him pretty soon?

  3. #3
    Samanthawatson's Avatar
    Samanthawatson Guest
    Oh no, I actually want to get back to focusing on my real bf because this "other" guy has caused me too much confusion and heartache. And besides, I wanna be on the right track with things.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    why are you messing around with another guy when you have a boyfriend?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Samanthawatson View Post
    I was bound to fly somewhere separate myself and during that time I decided to do wild crazy things before finally getting serious about everything - love and career.
    did you think of letting your boyfriend know about this choice? your priorities are all messed up. if you want to mess around and do "wild crazy things" you should break up with your boyfriend and let him know you want to be single for awhile. you went behind his back, cheated, fell for this other guy and now you're gonna complain that the other guy is acting like he doesn't love you? do you see how screwed up this is? either dump your boyfriend and tell this guy how you feel or end it with the guy on the side and stop messing around behind your boyfriend's back

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Texarkana, AR
    Are you in an open relationship with your real BF? Does he know what you're doing? If not, why not?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    It was just really interesting to read your post. It sounded like you only cared about what is happening with your co-worker, and didn't even consider your actual bf. I assume your bf doesn't know anything about this? If he doesn't, are you thinking about coming clean to him?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by bearz View Post
    It was just really interesting to read your post. It sounded like you only cared about what is happening with your co-worker, and didn't even consider your actual bf. I assume your bf doesn't know anything about this? If he doesn't, are you thinking about coming clean to him?
    from what I gather she doesn't seem to care much about the boyfriend

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ashley89 View Post
    from what I gather she doesn't seem to care much about the boyfriend
    That makes two of us.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Poor thing. Kissed against her will. And then they made out. Against her will again? I hope her BF finds out what kind of person she is.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    You are clearly not ready for any kind of relationship. What you are doing to your real bf is wrong and I suggest you break up with him and also forget the other man. You obviously have a lot of growing up to do and by the sounds of it you should also work on your self esteem. You are probably insecure and emotionally immature and your need for attention is destructive.

    If you cannot be loyal and faithful-be alone! Its very simple.

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