Ever since june i've been dating this girl, and i fell deeply in love with her, she is also deeply in love with me.
I've done a lot for her, i'm always there for her, anytime she wants to hang out we hang out, but she is barely ever allowed out. I had just graduated in june, and decided to go back to high school this year to get more credits but i know deep down in side my love drove me to doing it. She, on the otherhand, has not done much for me, i mean she loves me just as much, and when we hang out she's great i love everything about her personality! she's not allowed to do much, she can't hang out with me much and it makes me angry and i don't take it out on her because i love her and it's not her fault, however it still manages to make me very angry and causes me to suffer =(
The problem is love destroyed everything i valued, all i think about is her pretty much, i mean before i hated school and now i can't wait to get up early in the morning to go see her, I used to value all the things i used to do like playing on the computer, hanging out with my friends etc...But again, love destroyed them and i can't do ANYTHING without thinking of her.
We havent broken up yet and we are doing fine(not seeing eachother that often) and i don't want to leave her.....but my hearts killing me, i just want to be able to appreciate the moments we have together and when were not together, to be able to do the things i used to do and have as much fun as i used to and without CONSTANTLY thinking of her
Can anyone else relate to this? or can anyone suggust anything? thanks alot!